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Enter the ORM Arena: Find Your Own Power and Purpose

This Week's Pillar: Listening - Our chance to pause our minds and absorb from within our bodies

Listening Week invites us to sit back and relax so that we can put some guided energy into our breathing.  This week, even if you can't sit back and clear your mind, give yourself a few moments to only concentrate on the sounds outside of you. Notice things about your environment that you haven't noticed before. Then tune into your breathing. Your body becomes actively engaged along with your mind and you are tapped into feelings of creativity, bringing you closer to your own ability to manifest the things you want by incorporating your own purpose.

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      Our Arena: Balancing Ego Soul Mind Body

 Ancient Advice From Apollo's Temple at Delphi:

Know Thyself
Nothing to Excess

    Surety Brings Ruin 


Interested in finding more purpose and meaning in life?

Discover your authentic creative spirit with ORM!

 The Listening Pillar -- Weekly Video
Want to see more? Check our YouTube Channel

Find your Center with ORM! Tavish Carduff and/or Quan Tracy Cherry discuss the weekly focus and the magical ways in which the practice itself changes the way you feel about your life. The 12 Pillars become a fun part of living daily life as it replaces feelings of shame, anxiety, stress (the list is endless....) and replaces them with curiosity!

Eclipse Video

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For Our Mind:

12 Pillars for Clarity

Reflect on this week's Pillar


For Our Body:

Water, Breath & Alignment


Study yourself. Your impressions are the roots of everything!

Love, ORM

  The ORM Blog - Exploring Meaning

Stay Rooted!

Thanks for submitting!

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